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Swiss GD Knife File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
base.hpp [code]Defines the sgdk::IndexTypeFSM class template
compass.hpp [code]Defines the sgdk::Compass class template and the sgdk::ZeroDirection and sgdk::PositiveRotation classes
compass_mod.hpp [code]Defines the Compass Module
fp_checker_mod.hpp [code]Defines the Floating Point Checker Module
fsm_mod.hpp [code]Defines the FSM Module
matrix.hpp [code]Defines the sgdk::DenseMatrix class template
pi.hpp [code]Defines the sgdk::Pi class template
swiss_gd_knife.hpp [code]Defines the entire Swiss GD Knife library
tangent.hpp [code]Defines the sgdk::Tangent function object
transition.hpp [code]Defines the sgdk::IndexTypeTransitionFunction class template
zero_checker.hpp [code]Defines the sgdk::ZeroChecker class template
zref_mod.hpp [code]Defines the ZRef Module

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