Stabilize the API. Make the classes and/or class templates model widely used concepts where appropriate.
Build one or more test programs for each major Swiss GD Knife class. It will be okay for a program to use a third-party testing system such as the Boost Testing Framework as long as the testing system itself is stable.
Improve the documentation and/or examples if the library users don't understand how certain modules work. Create a FAQ for each module that warrants one (e.g. one that implements a concept that is relatively new to library users) and a library-wide FAQ (e.g. about designing or building the library) for the library in general.
Gather feature requests from library users and implement the ones that help fulfill the library's role as defined in the Overview.
Shift focus from additional features to stability. Restrict acceptance of feature requests to ones for existing classes. Hold off on the other requests until development of version 2.0 starts.
Personally test the library modules on Linux and Windows XP. Enlist the help of library users to test the modules on their platforms and operating systems.
Hold off on all feature requests at this point until development of version 2.0 starts.
Fix any remaining code and documentation bugs.